For Stockmen, Horsemen, Farmers, and Ranchers, etc.
The story:
In a bunkhouse on our ranch in west central Utah we had a fly problem. The place was filled with flies. It was unbelievable. They would land all over your face and try to crawl into your mouth and nostrils. In cooler weather, if you lit a fire in the stove, they would appear in droves, as if from out of nowhere. The situation was revolting. One solution was to burn the building down.
In desperation I designed a really big flytrap that had:
No electrical connections or batteries.
No chemical sprays.
No dangerous chemicals, except for some fly attractant.
No moving parts.
No special components.
This is a trap that can be built with scrap materials that are available, pretty much, worldwide.
The results for us were very gratifying. I left this flytrap on the bunkhouse porch. I was gone for about 2 weeks. When I came back I was astonished! I went into the building and there appeared to be no flies. Evidently the flies were drawn out of the building by the flytrap. I lit a fire and maybe 3 or 4 flies appeared, instead of what seemed like 3 or 4 million.
Will this work for you? I don’t know, but I know of no reason why it wouldn’t. This was after years of flypaper, hanging flytraps, electric grid insect killers, ultrasonics, and anything else we could think of.
I made one of these flytraps for some horse-people friends of ours. When they told us they were moving, I told them I could come and get the flytrap. Oh, no, they said, the flytrap stays with us!
Illustrated plans with photographs:
Twenty Bucks
when they become available.